5 Replies to “Tom Martin at AAF Houston on trends in Social Media”

  1. Hey, thanks for the great write up on yesterday's talk. And I'm glad you ascribe to the POV that in SocMe, there is always something you can learn from everyone you talk to or hear speak. This stuff is moving so fast that no one, you, me, our agencies… can keep up all alone. So the one rule I didn't mention yesterday but will here is that you should ABL — Always Be Learning.

    Thanks again for the hat tip.

    1. Thanks Tom! You're absolutely right, things are always moving forward and that's one of the things I love most about social media. People are pushing the envelope and finding new ways to tell their story and connect with their customers every day, and that's really exciting stuff.

      And speaking of pushing the envelope, I'm still totally geeking out over the augmented reality demo. I can't wait to see what else you guys do with it!!

  2. Wish I could've attended with you, sounds like a valuable encounter. But great overview, @qcait; I'll get to the full presentation anon, and I think I need to get me some Groundswell. That doesn't happen to be a Schipul Book Club giveaway, does it? ๐Ÿ™‚ Meanwhile, this SocMe Baby Boomer likes "ABL" and firmly commits to doing so! (Would "Sock It to Me Baby!" mean anything to the Gen X, Y, Zs in the room?!)

    1. Thanks for the love, Chris! Groundswell is a really great book. The next thing I'm reading is Twitterville by Shel Israel, and then Chris Brogan's new book Trust Agents (recommended in this presentation as well – and by many Schipulites). There are so many great resources out there!

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